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The Apache Software Foundation
Apache 20th Anniversary Logo

ASF Leadership

The Foundation itself is a collaborative project of the Apache Software Foundation, which means our leadership is elected by Members and maintains its own governance. Our leadership is composed entirely of volunteers who are committed to advancing ASF’s mission of providing software for the public good.

How the ASF is Governed

Board members

Rich Bowen Zili Chen Shane Curcuru
Jim Jagielski Justin Mclean Jean-Baptiste Onofré
Greg Stein Sander Striker Kanchana Pradeepika Welagedara

A timeline of who has served on the ASF Board is also available.


Office Individual
Board Chair Shane Curcuru
Vice Chair Justin Mclean
President Ruth Suehle
Exec. V.P David Nalley
Treasurer Craig McClanahan
Secretary Matt Sicker
Assistant Secretary Craig L Russell
V.P., Legal Affairs Roman Shaposhnik
Assistant V.P., Legal Affairs Justin Mclean
V.P., Security Mark J. Cox
V.P., W3C Relations Andy Seaborne


Office Individual
V.P., Brand Management Mark Thomas
V.P., Conferences Brian Proffitt
V.P., Data Privacy Christian Grobmeier
V.P., Diversity and Inclusion David Nalley (acting)
V.P., ECMA Relations Piotr Karwasz
V.P., Fundraising Bob Paulin
V.P., Sponsor Relations Sally Khudairi
V.P., Infrastructure Myrle Krantz
Infrastructure Administrator Chris Lambertus
V.P., Marketing and Publicity Brian Proffitt
V.P., Tooling Dave Fisher
V.P., Travel Assistance Gavin McDonald
V.P., Public Affairs Dirk-Willem van Gulik


Office Individual
V.P., Apache Accumulo Ed Coleman
V.P., Apache ActiveMQ Christopher L. Shannon
V.P., Apache AGE Jeff Jirsa
V.P., Apache Airavata Suresh Marru
V.P., Apache Airflow Bolke de Bruin
V.P., Apache Allura Dave Brondsema
V.P., Apache Ambari Brahma Reddy Battula
V.P., Apache Answer Ning Qi
V.P., Apache Ant Jan Matèrne
V.P., Apache APISIX Ming Wen
V.P., Apache Aries Christian Schneider
V.P., Apache Arrow Neal Richardson
V.P., Apache AsterixDB Ian Maxon
V.P., Apache Atlas Madhan Neethiraj
V.P., Apache Attic Herve Boutemy
V.P., Apache Avro Ryan Skraba
V.P., Apache Axis Robert Lazarski
V.P., Apache Beam Kenneth Knowles
V.P., Apache Bigtop Masatake Iwasaki
V.P., Apache BookKeeper Enrico Olivelli
V.P., Apache Brooklyn Juan D. Cabrerizo
V.P., Apache bRPC James Ge
V.P., Apache BuildStream Tristan Van Berkom
V.P., Apache BVal Matt Benson
V.P., Apache Calcite Ruben Q L
V.P., Apache Camel Andrea Cosentino
V.P., Apache CarbonData Jacky Li
V.P., Apache Cassandra Dinesh Joshi
V.P., Apache Causeway Jörg Rade
V.P., Apache Cayenne Michael Gentry
V.P., Apache Celeborn Keyong Zhou
V.P., Apache Celix Pepijn Noltes
V.P., Apache CloudStack Daniel Augusto Veronezi Salvador
V.P., Apache Commons Gary D. Gregory
V.P., Apache Community Development Swapnil Mane
V.P., Apache Cordova Bryan Ellis
V.P., Apache CouchDB Jan Lehnardt
V.P., Apache Creadur Philipp Ottlinger
V.P., Apache cTAKES Pei J Chen
V.P., Apache Curator Enrico Olivelli
V.P., Apache CXF Andriy Redko
V.P., Apache Daffodil Mike Beckerle
V.P., Apache DataFu Eyal Allweil
V.P., Apache DataFusion Andrew Lamb
V.P., Apache DataSketches Lee Rhodes
V.P., Apache DB Bryan Pendleton
V.P., Apache DeltaSpike Mark Struberg
V.P., Apache Directory Shawn McKinney
V.P., Apache DolphinScheduler Lidong Dai
V.P., Apache Doris Mingyu Chen
V.P., Apache Drill Charles Givre
V.P., Apache Druid Gian Merlino
V.P., Apache Dubbo Jun Liu
V.P., Apache ECharts Wenli Zhang
V.P., Apache Empire-db Rainer Döbele
V.P., Apache EventMesh Eason Chen
V.P., Apache Felix Karl Pauls
V.P., Apache Fineract James Dailey
V.P., Apache Flagon Joshua C. Poore
V.P., Apache Flex Harbs
V.P., Apache Flink Robert Metzger
V.P., Apache Fluo Keith Turner
V.P., Apache FreeMarker Dániel Dékány
V.P., Apache Geode Mark Bretl
V.P., Apache Geronimo Jean-Louis Monteiro
V.P., Apache Gobblin Abhishek Tiwari
V.P., Apache Gora Kevin Ratnasekera
V.P., Apache Griffin William Guo
V.P., Apache Groovy Paul King
V.P., Apache Guacamole Mike Jumper
V.P., Apache Gump Stefan Bodewig
V.P., Apache Hadoop Xiaoqiao He
V.P., Apache HBase Duo Zhang
V.P., Apache Helix Junkai Xue
V.P., Apache Hive Naveen Gangam
V.P., Apache Hop Hans Van Akelyen
V.P., Apache HTTP Server Joe Orton
V.P., Apache HttpComponents Michael Osipov
V.P., Apache Hudi Vinoth Chandar
V.P., Apache Iceberg Ryan Blue
V.P., Apache Ignite Dmitry Pavlov
V.P., Apache Impala Zoltán Borók-Nagy
V.P., Apache Incubator Justin Mclean
V.P., Apache InLong Charles Zhang
V.P., Apache IoTDB Xiangdong Huang
V.P., Apache Jackrabbit Marcel Reutegger
V.P., Apache James Benoit Tellier
V.P., Apache jclouds Andrew Gaul
V.P., Apache Jena Andy Seaborne
V.P., Apache JMeter Bruno (Milamber) Demion
V.P., Apache Johnzon Jean-Louis Monteiro
V.P., Apache JSPWiki Juan Pablo Santos
V.P., Apache Juneau James Bognar
V.P., Apache Kafka Mickael Maison
V.P., Apache Karaf Jean-Baptiste Onofré
V.P., Apache Kibble Sharan Foga
V.P., Apache Knox Larry McCay
V.P., Apache Kudu Andrew Wong
V.P., Apache Kvrocks Mingyang Liu
V.P., Apache Kylin Li Yang
V.P., Apache Kyuubi Kent Yao
V.P., Apache Libcloud Tomaž Muraus
V.P., Apache Linkis Shuai Di
V.P., Apache Logging Services Piotr Karwasz
V.P., Apache Logo Development Daniel Gruno
V.P., Apache Lucene Dawid Weiss
V.P., Apache Lucene.Net Shad Storhaug
V.P., Apache MADlib Ed Espino
V.P., Apache Mahout Andrew Musselman
V.P., Apache ManifoldCF Piergiorgio Lucidi
V.P., Apache Maven Herve Boutemy
V.P., Apache Mesos Qian Zhang
V.P., Apache MINA Guillaume Nodet
V.P., Apache MyFaces Bernd Bohmann
V.P., Apache Mynewt Szymon Janc
V.P., Apache NetBeans Geertjan Wielenga
V.P., Apache NiFi Joe Witt
V.P., Apache Nutch Sebastian Nagel
V.P., Apache NuttX Alin Jerpelea
V.P., Apache OFBiz Jacopo Cappellato
V.P., Apache Olingo Michael Bolz
V.P., Apache OpenDAL Hao Ding
V.P., Apache OpenJPA Mark Struberg
V.P., Apache OpenMeetings Maxim Solodovnik
V.P., Apache OpenNLP Jeffrey T. Zemerick
V.P., Apache OpenOffice Keith McKenna
V.P., Apache OpenWebBeans Mark Struberg
V.P., Apache OpenWhisk Dave Grove
V.P., Apache ORC William Hyun
V.P., Apache Ozone Sammi Chen
V.P., Apache Paimon Jingsong Lee
V.P., Apache Parquet Julien Le Dem
V.P., Apache PDFBox Andreas Lehmkühler
V.P., Apache Pekko PJ Fanning
V.P., Apache Perl Steve Hay
V.P., Apache Petri Greg Stein
V.P., Apache Phoenix Istvan Toth
V.P., Apache Pig Koji Noguchi
V.P., Apache Pinot Kishore G
V.P., Apache PLC4X César García
V.P., Apache POI Dominik Stadler
V.P., Apache Portable Runtime (APR) Yann Ylavic
V.P., Apache Portals Neil Griffin
V.P., Apache Pulsar Matteo Merli
V.P., Apache Qpid Robbie Gemmell
V.P., Apache Ranger Selvamohan Neethiraj
V.P., Apache Ratis Tsz-wo Sze
V.P., Apache RocketMQ Xiaorui Wang
V.P., Apache Roller Dave Johnson
V.P., Apache Royale Yishay Weiss
V.P., Apache Rya Adina Crainiceanu
V.P., Apache Samza Jagadish Venkatraman
V.P., Apache Santuario Colm O hEigeartaigh
V.P., Apache SDAP Nga Thien Chung
V.P., Apache SeaTunnel Jun Gao
V.P., Apache Sedona Jia Yu
V.P., Apache Serf Daniel Sahlberg
V.P., Apache ServiceComb Bao Liu
V.P., Apache ServiceMix Krzysztof Sobkowiak
V.P., Apache ShardingSphere Liang Zhang
V.P., Apache ShenYu Yu Xiao
V.P., Apache Shiro Brian Demers
V.P., Apache SINGA Wang Wei
V.P., Apache SIS Martin Desruisseaux
V.P., Apache SkyWalking Sheng Wu
V.P., Apache Sling Robert Munteanu
V.P., Apache Solr Jason Gerlowski
V.P., Apache SpamAssassin Sidney Markowitz
V.P., Apache Spark Matei Zaharia
V.P., Apache Steve Daniel Gruno
V.P., Apache Storm Richard Zowalla
V.P., Apache StreamPark Huajie Wang
V.P., Apache StreamPipes Philipp Zehnder
V.P., Apache Struts René Gielen
V.P., Apache Subversion Nathan Hartman
V.P., Apache Superset Maxime Beauchemin
V.P., Apache Synapse Isuru Udana
V.P., Apache Syncope Francesco Chicchiriccò
V.P., Apache SystemDS Matthias Boehm
V.P., Apache Tapestry Thiago H. de Paula Figueiredo
V.P., Apache Tcl Georgios Petasis
V.P., Apache Tez László Bodor
V.P., Apache Thrift Jens Geyer
V.P., Apache Tika Tim Allison
V.P., Apache TinkerPop Kelvin Lawrence
V.P., Apache Tomcat Mladen Turk
V.P., Apache TomEE David Blevins
V.P., Apache Traffic Control Eric Friedrich
V.P., Apache Traffic Server Bryan Call
V.P., Apache TsFile Jialin Qiao
V.P., Apache Turbine Georg Kallidis
V.P., Apache TVM Tianqi Chen
V.P., Apache UIMA Richard Eckart de Castilho
V.P., Apache Uniffle He Qi
V.P., Apache Unomi Serge Huber
V.P., Apache VCL Josh Thompson
V.P., Apache Velocity Nathan Bubna
V.P., Apache Web Services Daniel Kulp
V.P., Apache Whimsy Shane Curcuru
V.P., Apache Wicket Andrea Del Bene
V.P., Apache Xalan Gary D. Gregory
V.P., Apache Xerces Michael Glavassevich
V.P., Apache XML Graphics Clay Leeds
V.P., Apache Yetus Allen Wittenauer
V.P., Apache YuniKorn Wilfred Spiegelenburg
V.P., Apache Zeppelin Jongyoul Lee
V.P., Apache ZooKeeper Flavio Junqueira