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The Apache Software Foundation
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ASF Marketing & Publicity

The Apache Software Foundation (ASF) Marketing & Publicity team oversees the ASF's public image, handles day-to-day media and analyst relations, and supports the Foundation by counseling 350+ Apache projects and their communities in the areas of messaging, outreach, and engagement.

Helpful Resources

Marketing & Publicity

HELP If you need non-media-related assistance

KINDLY NOTE: due to volume, the ASF Marketing & Publicity team are only able to assist with issues pertaining to media/analyst activities. Telephone calls received from accredited journalists and industry analysts will be responded to at our earliest opportunity, however, we apologize, are otherwise unable to respond to callers.

For questions pertaining to specific Apache projects and their communities, please contact the Project’s appropriate mailing list (e.g., dev@ for developer-related issues; user@ for user questions, etc.). Some projects also have FAQ’s as well as social media accounts where you may be able to find answers to your questions.

ASF Marketing & Publicity are receiving an increasing number of queries pertaining to issues with mobile devices. Please note that the vast majority of Apache projects/software function as "ingredient brands", and are not the final end-user product --as a cook would use eggs in a cake or an omelette, for example. Even if only the Apache License is used, the ASF is not responsible for that product. If you are experiencing difficulty with an app or have a specific performance issue or a security concern with your mobile device or other hardware (desktop, laptop, etc.), you will need to contact the creator of that app/program, your mobile service provider, or the hardware manufacturer’s tech support for assistance.

Resources for ASF activities supported by Marketing & Publicity


Selected Formal Press Releases And Open Letters

This document collects a small selection of past press releases, open letters, and other notable public documents produced by The Apache Software Foundation (ASF).

Please see our updated listing of current News and Announcements.

We have information for Media and Analyst Relations with contact information.

Open Letters

From time to time the ASF publishes open letters on matters that we believe are important to our projects and our ability to produce code for the public good in a meritocratic and community-driven way.

Recent Press Releases

This is a selected list of past noteworthy press releases that the ASF has issued; we separately publish current News and Announcements. . Note that there are many more releases about the ASF's various projects and ApacheCon as well.