The Apache Software Foundation provides the infrastructure for the many Apache projects - the mailing lists, code repositories, bug tracking systems and other services that are so valuable for code development. All of this requires a financial assistance to maintain a paid staff to handle essential administration, to purchase bandwidth and to keep our servers running.
All financial assistance to Apache is contributed by its user community, be they individuals or corporate entities. If you would like to contribute, the following pages explain more:
Sponsoring Apache - the direct approach, you or your company could become one of our named sponsors.
Donating to Apache - for smaller donations, you can donate via Paypal, Check, or even your car.
Buy Apache Merchandise - get cool Apache merchandised swag, portions of the income are sent to Apache
If you would like more information about supporting the ASF, please contact fundraising at apache dot org for more information.
Lastly, thanks to all of those who have supported the ASF with sponsorship and donation over the years, we couldn't have done it without you. See our 'Thanks!' page to see this year's sponsors.