The Apache Software Foundation (ASF) provides a wide array of services to the many Apache communities and their Project Management Committees (PMCs) that the ASF hosts in line with our vision of independent, volunteer-run projects.
The ASF provides the following services to all PMCs through a combination of self-organized volunteer groups and some paid services & contractors. Some services are officially supported and offer service level agreements (SLA) like our website, mailing lists, and source code hosting by the Apache Infrastructure team. Other services are offered by volunteer officers of the ASF and and organized groups of volunteers, like the Community Development PMC.
The best place to ask questions about any services is by contacting the group managing that service using the appropriate mailing list. Note that while much of the work the ASF does is in public, the ASF only supports these services for Apache projects doing their work. Other communities are welcome to fork our code or documentation, but the ASF cannot provide services for other projects.
The Apache Community Development Project (ComDev) is charged with coordinating community development efforts. They also provide the Apache Project Maturity Model that PMCs can use to self-evaluate. You can contact ComDev.
Example services include: Board Report Helper, Project Community Health Tips, Apache Committer 'Phone Book' listing, Mentoring ideas, and Google Summer of Code assistance.
The Apache Infrastructure team (Infra) is responsible for management and day-to-day system administration and operation of websites, source control systems, and other infrastructure offered to Apache projects, and provides a guide to developer tools. You can contact Infra and Infra has many self-serve tools.
Example services include: Subversion and GitBox hosting, Jenkins, BuildBot, and other CI tools like ReviewBoard, Sonar, Hosted VM for each project.
Marketing and Publicity provides primary communications services for the ASF, and advises Apache projects and initiatives on their outreach efforts. You can contact the Press Team.
Example services include: Press releases over the wire for major releases, connections with industry analysts, Apache feather and Powered By logos for all TLPs.
The Travel Assistance Committee exists to help those that would like to attend ApacheCon events, but are unable to do so for financial reasons.
The Conferences team organizes official events such as ApacheCon, as well as facilitating third party events that Apache PMCs are involved in. You can contact the Conferences team.
Example services include: running ApacheCon for all projects, and a central calendar for Apache-related events.
The Apache Security Team exists to provide help and advice to Apache projects on security issues and to provide co-ordination of the handling of security vulnerabilities and CVE issuing. Anyone can submit a security issue.
Example services include: the general security@ vulnerability reporting mailing list, and detailed checklists and help with CVEs and handling vulnerabilities.
The Brand Management team collaborates with projects on branding and trademarks. You can contact the Brand Management team and report trademark issues.
Example services include: trademark law resources for developers, approvals for running outside events with Apache brands, trademark registration of your project name.
The Legal Affairs Committee is responsible for establishing and managing legal policies based on the advice of legal counsel and the interests of the Foundation. You can contact Legal Affairs.
Example services include: answering specific legal JIRAs for project business, a public legal-discussion@ mailing list for general legal chats, and the official FAQ of license compatibility questions.
The VP, Fundraising is responsible for establishing and managing fundraising activities to support the operations of the ASF and our projects.
Example services include: accepting targeted donations for your project, and the core donations and sponsorships that pay the ASF's bills.
The Apache Whimsy PMC provides a number of useful tools and many committer-specific tools for making requests within the ASF like subscribing to mailing lists and making changes to PMC rosters (committer login required). You can contact the Apache Whimsy project.
The best place to ask questions not covered above is ComDev.