The History Project researches and collects information related to:
Before Apache
Why Apache
Initial development team
How Apache became one of the most successful OSS projects to date
Changes in development environment - see footnotes
Case study: Apache Development model (and how it has evolved)
Release Date
Changelog / Release notes
Usage statistics
Other Important Release informaton
Release Manager
Security Fixes
New Directives
Changed Directives
State (Alpha/Beta/GA)
Project Profiles
Member Profiles
Join Date
First List Post
Description of work done for project
Convince at least one person from each project to participate and maintain history of that project.
Short historical description
Usage statistics
Same project parts as the httpd history projects
Historical comments
Funny comments
Mads: That could actually be very interesting - along with stuff about how the foundation was formed - legal issues and stuff
Rich: Actually, it's one of the most important things, in my mind, as it falls under the "what works, what doesn't work, why Apache is successful" header. One of the most important roles that Apache plays, apart from being a damned fine product, is as a model of how OSS projects are supposed to work. Folks inside the project often don't see that aspect of things.