Alan M. Carroll (id: SolidWallOfCode) passed away unexpectedly the morning of December 20, 2023 at his home in Urbana, Illinois.
Alan was a beloved member of the Apache Traffic Server community. He had contributed over 1,000 commits to the project over his decade of energetic involvement and contribution. His commits continued without abatement into his retirement, producing no less than 9 PRs in the week leading up to his sadly early passing.
Alan, however, meant much more to the Apache Traffic Server community than the volume of his contributions to the source code, impressive though they were. He was an indefatigably kind and patient man. When proposed contributions of his were not accepted, as happens in any source code community from time to time, he took it with gracious humor and without bitterness. While he arguably understood more of the Traffic Server architecture and implementation -- both in breadth and depth of understanding -- than any other current contributor, he never carried it with an air of condescension. He was a mentor at heart and he never made people feel stupid by his demeanor. He always had time to help you with your questions. He had a sharp and quick mind and, while others use such abilities to cut down, he used his wit to produce an almost endless stream of playful humor that would make you laugh. He was quick to be a warm friend to everyone and we all miss him dearly.
Alan is survived by his wife, Susan Hinrichs (id: shinrich), who is also a deeply appreciated and respected member of the Apache Traffic Server community. Our sympathies are with her and her family as they process the loss of this dear man.