Because the Apache Software Foundation is such a broad community, there's always something going on in the Apache world. As a volunteer-run organization, we try to keep up with all the great events our communities put on, but we might be missing some. Please contact the Community Development project if you have other events you think we should list!
ApacheCon is the main community event of the Apache Software Foundation, where developers from our many projects gather to teach, learn, and strengthen their communities. Find out more about ApacheCon at ApacheCon.com
Every day, there's Apache meetups somewhere in the world. These are not "official" events, so we do not track them here. However, many of them can be found by searching on meetup.com
In addition to ApacheCon, many of our project communities put on events covering single projects, or groups of related projects. These are listed in the community calendar. If you want to put on an event using Apache brands, the first step is to look at the event branding policy document.